Did You Think To Pray? : How to Listen and Talk to God Every Day About Everything
Your heavenly Father values you as much as anybody who has ever lived.
Think about that! God loves you and wants to talk to you. With prayer, we all have equal access…we are all on level ground. What’s more, prayer gives you the privilege of access to ultimate power. God can make anything happen. He can heal. Solve any problem. Change your financial situation. Open doors. Cause everything that has happened in your past (whether it was right or wrong, whether you were right or wrong) to work together for good.
Did You Think to Pray? helps you to better understand what prayer is, why it is so important, and how you can overcome the obstacles that prevent you from doing it. Learn how to make prayer the foundation of your life…you can only benefit from spending more time with God.
“I cannot imagine a greater motivation to pray than that God enjoys having me in His presence. He enjoys my company. He delights in listening to me! He doesn’t get bored with my repeated requests. He never makes me feel stupid. There is no rejection, only total acceptance.” --R.T. Kendall in Did You Think to Pray?
About the Author
R. T. Kendall was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, England, for twenty-five years. Born in Ashland, Kentucky, he was educated at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Oxford University. He is well known internationally as a speaker and teacher. Dr. Kendall is the author of more than forty-five books, including Total Forgiveness, The Sensitivity of the Spirit, The Thorn in the Flesh, Grace, Pure Joy, Imitating Christ, and The Anointing: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Visit his Web site at www.rtkendallministries.com.
Product Details
Publisher: Charisma House; Illustrated edition (July 22, 2009)
Language: English
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1599796279
ISBN-13: 978-1599796277
Item Weight: 12.8 ounces
Dimensions: 6 x 0.56 x 9 inches