Are You a King David?
Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; he is the one.” —1 SAMUEL 16:12
David was not the cream of the crop in the world’s eyes. He was just the little, forgotten shepherd boy, but he was the one destined to be anointed as king. (It took more than twenty years before he actually assumed the throne, but the anointing was on him the whole time.)
Now, you may not have had a prophet come to your home, pull you from a field, and pour oil on your head, but know this: God created you specifically, for a specific time, with specific plans and purposes. That is an anointing from the God who made you.
Do you feel anointed? Is it hard for you to believe God has anointed you? Have you prayed about what God has anointed you to do?
Even the Anointed have to Fight Giants
David was not supposed to fight Goliath. He was just the little shepherd boy delivering food. But, when he saw Goliath blaspheming God, he simply knew he had to fight. No one believed in him, not his brothers, not his father, and they were jealous of him. He stood up anyway. He believed God’s promise and had seen the power of God move before. He brought the most powerful weapon: almighty God.
Are you in a battle? If so, are you using the right weapon? The Bible says, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:3–4).
God Uses Broken People for Kingdom Purposes
King David had an affair. And it only got worse from there when he tried to cover it up, which led to murder. King David, in the lineage of Jesus, was an adulterer and murderer. I doubt anyone reading can check both of those boxes, and if you could (even in your thoughts), God is bigger. Sometimes we look at our life and think we are too far gone. We can never be redeemed. We made bad choices, for decades. Here’s the truth: God is bigger than all of it. Of course, we must repent, we must own up to our sin, allow the Lord to heal our hearts and restore and redeem us. Only He can do that! But, boy, can He DO IT!!!
Have you messed up? Do you have a messy past? Present? Are you living a destructive lifestyle currently? No matter where you are at right now, know this…It’s not too late!
Humble yourself. Repent and ask the Lord to forgive you. Ask for His grace to forgive yourself. And then move on in your anointing.