Peace for Your Mind, Hope for Your Heart: Regain Emotional and Spiritual Balance in a Post-Pandemic World
Regain emotional and spiritual balance in a post-pandemic world.
As we enter a new normal after the peak of COVID-19, we are left with fears, questions, and anxiety. While the biological virus has taken an untold toll on lives worldwide—medically and economically—the “new virus” going forward may be summed up in two words: anxiety and worry.
While our immediate attention is on our health and that of friends and loved ones, there is perhaps a greater need: How do we practice healthy emotional and spiritual “hygiene” as we emerge from arguably the greatest crisis the world has seen since World War II? With his more than four decades of professional experience as a therapist and trusted counseling leader, Dr. Tim Clinton brings a timely message of health and hope to a stressed-out, fearful world.
Dr. Clinton examines science, psychology, physiology, and other concepts to help us cope with anxiety, but the primary focus is on the consistency of God’s power, goodness, and love. Clinton adds, “It’s my prayer that as you continue reading, you’ll increasingly sense God’s peace for your mind and hope for your heart.”
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About the Author
Tim Clinton, Ed.D, LPC, LMFT, is the President of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), and also serves as the Executive Director of the James Dobson Family Institute and recurring co-host of “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk,” heard on nearly 1,300 radio outlets daily. Licensed as a Professional Counselor and as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Clinton has authored or edited more than 30 books and is recognized as a world leader in mental health and relationship issues. He has been married 39 years to his wife, Julie, and together they have two children, Megan (married to Ben) and Zach, and a new granddaughter, who has stolen their hearts, Olivia.
Pat Springle has authored or coauthored more than fifty books covering a variety of topics from Christian psychology to humor.
Product Details
ISBN-10: 1629999210
ISBN-13: 9781629999210
Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: Charisma House (June 9, 2020)
Language: English
Dimensions: 5 x 7 inches
Weight: 1.1 pounds