Restore the Roar: Defeat the Spirit of Fear with the Breath and Power of God
Fear is a distraction, not the destination.
Expose and confront fear so that you can be courageous in your walk with God.
Pat and Karen Schatzline came face to face with fear. They had to battle not only for Karen’s health but also for the peace of their home. But in the midst of their pain Karen heard God ask her a question: Do you trust Me? The Schatzlines were fearful. Yet through their journey the Lord taught them how to be courageous in spite of the fear.
The enemy wants to overwhelm us with fear and keep us from trusting in the Lord. Restore the Roar is a supernatural handbook that will help you do the following:- Defeat the lies of the enemy
- Put your faith in God
- Be courageous
If you battle anxiety or insecurity—if you fear failure, the unknown, or what God has for you—God has a recipe to set you free and lead you into a place of freedom, destiny, and purpose.
Learn to live out the psalmist’s words, “In the day when I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Ps. 56:3).
About the Authors
Pat and Karen Schatzline are international evangelists and authors who co lead Remnant Ministries International and the I Am Remnant Movement. They are known for their passion to lead people of all ages into deep encounters with God. They are frequent guests on Christian television and radio shows such as The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It's Supernatural!, and Ask Dr. Brown, as well as on networks such as Daystar, TBN, JCTV, and GOD TV. They have written several books, including Why Is God So Mad at Me?, I Am Remnant, Dehydrated, Unqualified, and Rebuilding the Altar. Karen also leads The Breathing Room, an international, biweekly vlog that ministers to thousands. Married since 1990, they make their home in Fort Worth, Texas. Their joy is their daughter, Abby; son, Nate; daughter-in-love, Adrienne; and grandsons, Jackson and Anderson.
Product Details
Publisher: Charisma House (August 6, 2019)
Language: English
Paperback: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1629996556
ISBN-13: 978-1629996554
Item Weight: 8.5 ounces
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.58 x 8.25 inches