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The Caution Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia You Need to Know

The Caution Signs of Alzheimer’s and Dementia You Need to Know

Knowing what’s going on is vitally important for your brain and overall health. And when you know the facts, then and only then can you take the necessary steps to achieve the health you want.

Taking action is the whole reason for knowing what’s going on. Whether it’s a national health trend, a symptom you’ve noticed in your body, or a detail that makes everything run smoother, it’s all important. Please don’t ignore it. As you formulate your plan to improve your brain health, there are many details to

What is Alzheimer’s and dementia?

With all forms of Alzheimer’s and dementia, brain cells and synapses (brain cell connections) degenerate and eventually die as amyloid plaques and tangles accumulate and destroy brain cells and synapses. It is a downsizing of the brain due to multiple factors, including chronic inflammation; a deficiency of key hormones, nutrients, and brain nutrients; progressive insulin resistance of brain cells; and glycation of the brain from a diet high in sugar, carbs, and starches. When the brain shuts down those areas of the brain that are clogged with amyloid plaques and tangles, the brain is trying to protect itself. It’s the body’s downsizing program for the brain.1 Obviously, you don’t want those plaques and tangles in your brain because you don’t want those areas to shut down!

Here are the typical signs of Alzheimer’s disease at each stage, according to the
Alzheimer’s Association.

Stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia

• Having difficulty performing tasks in a social or work setting
• Forgetting material that you just read
• Experiencing increased trouble with planning or organizing
• Losing or misplacing objects or documents
• Having trouble remembering names of new people
• Struggling to find the right word

• Experiencing changes in sleep patterns
• Being confused about where you are or what day it is
• Feeling moody or withdrawn, especially in socially or mentally challenging situations
• Forgetting events or part of personal history
• Getting lost
• Needing help choosing appropriate clothes for day or event
• Having personality or behavior changes
• Experiencing suspiciousness, delusions, or compulsive behaviors
• Having trouble controlling bladder or bowels
• Being unable to remember own address or phone number, high school, or college
• Wandering

• Forgetting surroundings
• Having increased difficulty communicating
• Losing basic physical abilities: walking, sitting, or swallowing
• Having low awareness of recent happenings
• Needing 24-7 care
• Having vulnerability to infections, especially pneumonia2

First phase of Alzheimer’s and dementia is when communication between brain cells is jammed, connections are lost, and cells die. The best time to take action is now.

Let The Results Speak for Themself

You can’t form an effective plan if you don’t know where you’re starting. To know where you’re starting in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia, you have to know your numbers. That’s why I usually recommend patients begin with a full panel blood test to figure out where they are currently. Then when you get the results back, you will know more clearly which areas need to be worked on. Never forget that Alzheimer’s and dementia are not hopeless or inevitable.

1. Bredesen, The End of Alzheimer’s, 13. 
2.“Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease,” Alzheimer’s Association, 2018, https:// 
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