No, the World Isn’t Falling Apart
The world is not falling apart; the world is falling into place. We are living in the best days of recorded history. You may wonder how I can make such a statement. I can hear your protests: “Look around. Don’t...
The world is not falling apart; the world is falling into place. We are living in the best days of recorded history. You may wonder how I can make such a statement. I can hear your protests: “Look around. Don’t...
When Jesus spoke about the day of His eventual return, He made references to the days of Noah and the days of Lot, suggesting that the conditions and behaviors of the world in their time will reappear in the end...
Are You Keeping Your Spiritual House Clean? One of Jesus’ teaching stories, sometimes referred to as the parable of the unclean spirit, carries a profound message about spiritual and moral cleanliness, as well as the importance of maintaining one’s inner...
While the great falling away is bad enough in itself, we see from 2 Thessalonians that it is a precursor to something even worse: the rise of the “man of sin”—the Antichrist. Still, wouldn’t the church be enough of an...
Scripture says that as we approach the last days, we can expect to see more and more people falling away from the faith. Many who claim to be Christians and love God will deny Him and withdraw from all kingdom...
The world witnessed a momentous event in 2020 in the form of a global pandemic as governments around the world enacted strict measures to control the spread of COVID-19. Here in America, citizens found themselves grappling with the delicate balance...
It’s midnight in America! The church is asleep and slumbering in the night. Like Samson, we haven’t realized that the power has departed, and like those who sleep, we are unaware of what is happening around us. We cling to...