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We are at the Door of Christ’s Return

We are at the Door of Christ’s Return

It’s midnight in America!

The church is asleep and slumbering in the night. Like Samson, we haven’t realized that the power has departed, and like those who sleep, we are unaware of what is happening around us. We cling to our comfort like a child holding a toy.

It’s midnight in America!

The spirit of fear has paralyzed us into believing the ancient lie that appeasement is better than courage and conformity is preferable to freedom. The church is so hungry to be accepted by the world that it has relinquished its power, forfeited its birthright, and accepted its place as nonessential.

It’s midnight in America!

Lost in a maze of appeasement, the church expects little from God. Gone are the Elijahs of old who called down the power of God. Gone are the days of bold prophets who spoke out against the sins of a nation. Is it any wonder why we don’t see more signs, wonders, and miracles?

It’s midnight in America!

We are on the doorstep of the return of Christ. Everyday we see more and more signs of His return. But are we ready?

In the Bible, certain words and symbols hold profound significance, transcending time and speaking to the hearts of humanity across generations. Midnight is one such word that carries multifaceted meanings. It symbolizes deliverance, miracles, judgment, and unexpected events.

In times of uncertainty, fear can grip our hearts, leaving us paralyzed and doubtful. However, faith is an anchor that steadies us in the face of life’s storms.

We must recognize the schemes of those who seek to manipulate and control us while also acknowledging the potential for good in the world. Evil will always be present, but how much more so the resilience and strength available through the power of God. Faith, hope, and love can overcome even the darkest of times.

It is imperative to remember the lessons of history, drawing strength from the faith of those who faced tribulations before us. We find inspiration in the courage and determination of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and other heroes of the past. By upholding the principles of truth, justice, and compassion, we can emerge as a powerful force against tyranny and oppression.

The journey ahead may be challenging, but united in our pursuit of freedom and justice, we can overcome any obstacle. Let us remain steadfast in our faith, true to our beliefs, and strong in our resolve to protect what is sacred and dear to us. Together we can break free from the snares of the devil’s plan and forge a path toward a brighter and more promising future.

To read more from Phil Hotsenpiller’s 'It’s Midnight in America,' visit

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