Be the Light of the World, Not the Stench of It
Lift your staff. Use what is in your hand right now. Take the initiative. It is so simple that we tend to miss it again and again, thinking we need to be pros and perfect to be used by God. As...
Lift your staff. Use what is in your hand right now. Take the initiative. It is so simple that we tend to miss it again and again, thinking we need to be pros and perfect to be used by God. As...
One day when I was sixteen, a drinking buddy got in touch. He said a great New Year’s Eve party was coming up in Uppsala, a city about a three hours’ drive away. He went on and on about how...
People like to say that stewardship is not just about money. They say things like, “Well, I’m tithing my time to the Lord.” That’s all good, and I get their point. But there is not one single verse in the...
Have you ever seen the movie about Scrooge, titled A Christmas Carol? What a miserable human being. I know a lot of Christians in America who are just like him. They have to have more, more, more. They’ve done nothing...
I was the least likely person to know anything about the charismatic world until God ripped me out of my Baptist comfort zone and placed me right in the middle of it all. He did this not just to make...
We usually choose our friends according to their personalities and packaging—their looks, popularity, and so on. Those are never the qualities you need unless you are in organized crime and are picking a crew based on the gifts and talents...
I have seen memes on social media where people say that in this passage Jesus showed us what to do in a storm—sleep. Well, I know firsthand that is easier said than done. Storms will try your faith. You may...
Sometimes we forget how wonderful the gospel is. Sometimes we forget that God’s ways are best and that in Jesus we have the words of eternal life. Sometimes we forget that our message brings hope and redemption, reconciliation and transformation,...
When it comes to getting our life-changing, society-impacting message out to the world, we must have the same mentality. Every one of us needs to use every means at our disposal everywhere we go, every day. What then would the...