Be the Light of the World, Not the Stench of It
Lift your staff. Use what is in your hand right now. Take the initiative. It is so simple that we tend to miss it again and again, thinking we need to be pros and perfect to be used by God. As...
Lift your staff. Use what is in your hand right now. Take the initiative. It is so simple that we tend to miss it again and again, thinking we need to be pros and perfect to be used by God. As...
To even the casual reader of the Bible, it’s obvious that names matter to God. From the creation of the earth, we recognize that names signify origin. When God named the first man Adam, the word was closely tied to...
One day when I was sixteen, a drinking buddy got in touch. He said a great New Year’s Eve party was coming up in Uppsala, a city about a three hours’ drive away. He went on and on about how...
Scripturally, the Bible doesn’t seem to provide a definitive answer as to whether time travel is possible, noting every person has an appointed time for their death (Heb. 9:27), our lives were “ordained” and “written in [God’s] book before one...
In the now infamous scene from The Matrix, Morpheus offers Thomas Anderson, alias Neo, a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill would reveal the harsh reality, while the blue pill would allow Neo to remain in the...
As much as social media wants to censor Christianity, the reality is that revivals are sweeping across America—changing one heart a time! Some of the greatest revivals in human history were recorded in the Bible, specifically in Exodus 36, 2...
I had just turned thirty. I was traumatized. And I was standing at a crossroads in life—a life radically different from a short six weeks earlier when I was married and had a thriving journalism career. I was not only...
Modern-day churches in America are quite frankly a mess! Instead of welcoming all the weary souls who are suffering, the front doors are locked tight. The oh-so-lucky people with a key to the church are the supposedly “self-righteous Christians,” who...
From the key passage regarding generosity in Luke 6, we find our second giving principle: the law of promise. This law tells us that whatever we give, God will give it right back. Kindness comes back, money comes back, friendship...