A Slippery Slope into Satanic Practices
While studying astrology and reading horoscopes are portrayed as harmless past times or quirky hobbies, there is a real and dangerous aspect to them: They open the doors to your soul and allow demonic entities to enter. Many times, these practices are introduced as fun ways to calculate your romantic compatibility with a crush or determine the course of your day; however, make no mistake…these divination tools are demonic by nature. When you worship the creation, you fall away from the Creator.
In the case of Jac Marino Chen, an ex-witch and former New Age cultist, she describes how easy it was to fall down the demonic rabbit hole. From a young age, she encountered what she thought were “angels,” when, in reality, they were “aliens.” Entering a cult called, “The Golden Dawn,” Chen was exposed to countless horrific practices such as abortion (blood) rituals. Encountering Christ in this pit of darkness, Chen was able to find freedom. Her testimony is a clear sign that some things should not by any means be messed with.
In Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, How to Cast Out Demons, he discusses the dangerous consequences of practicing these New Age rituals: “These [astrology and horoscopes] are two common practices many Christians engage in that open the door to demonic spirits. Astrology is the divination of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. A horoscope is a forecast of a person’s future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person’s birth.
The question is, ‘What’s the big deal?’ Without a doubt, the Bible teaches that not only did God create the stars, but He also created their patterns. In Job 9:9 (NIV), we read that ‘[God] is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.’ So, the things that have made people curious for centuries are the stars and galaxies God created—but, He says, ‘Don’t take that curiosity too far.’ Deuteronomy 4:19 (NIV) tells us, ‘And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon, and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them.’ God knew there would be a desire to bow down to these things, and that’s why He gave us this warning.
To clarify, this isn’t about astronomy (the scientific study of the stars) or even about God’s use of the stars in His own workings and miracles, such as leading the wise men to the baby Jesus. We’re talking about astrology, which is the attempt to use the stars for some hidden knowledge in a supernatural form. They do not hold that power. Look at this warning in Isaiah 47:10–15 (NIV):
You have trusted in your wickedness.… Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you.… Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away.… Keep on, then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries.… Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month.… They are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves.… All of them go on in their error.
Do not dabble in this stuff. It is part of the occult and is very dangerous. You will open yourself up to deception and demonic spirits.
There is a very long list of things that relate to the New Age and occult that open you up to demons, but it would take far too long to list them all. Here are a few:
All these, if you participate in them, will open you up to demonic spirits.
One of my good friends who got saved a few months after me told me that out of curiosity he played with a Ouija board at a friend’s house, and a little boy in the form of a ghost followed him home that night. For two whole years up until he got saved, that ghost boy would randomly appear and follow him around. During his deliverance, this demonic spirit manifested, and we were able to cast it out. From that day forward, he never dealt with the spirit that was following him around. He thought the Ouija board was an innocent game, but little did he know, it was a demonic portal.”
For more information on Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, How to Cast Out Demons, visit MyCharismaShop.com