How Demons Enter Through Family Doors
Demons feed on human weakness as an entryway into our souls. Sometimes, this “weakness” sadly is not even caused by our sins, but rather by the sins of another. Traumatic incidents from childhood could very well allow for demons to live comfortably in your soul for many years before you realize that they have taken residence—if you even can.
In the case of Audrey Elizabeth Hale, demonic ramblings were revealed in her 90-page manifesto with scribbles concerning suicide, identity, and transgenderism. She signed one such page under her male name, “Aiden.” Although her full background is not detailed in the manifesto, she clearly suffered from a deep state of depression. Above all else, she called her very existence into question. Additionally, she detailed very dangerous plans aimed at “total destruction” that Metro Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston deemed as “astronomically dangerous” in the wrong hands. Something far more sinister was hiding under the surface of an insecure adult.
Isaiah Saldivar’s How to Cast Out Demons details one of the most common ways that demons enter our souls as well as identity issues that arise from demonic influence: “This one seems to be extremely common. The more deliverance you do, the more you will encounter people who have demons from their family/upbringing. Countless people I have done deliverance on got demons from being abused growing up. It’s important to note that demons do not always enter because of what someone has done but often because of what someone has done to them. Physical and emotional abuse growing up is a major open door to demonic spirits. As I said earlier, this does not seem fair. A child can be demonized because of a parent or family member abusing them.
Several years ago, I prayed for deliverance over a youth pastor’s wife with a group of people. As she was manifesting, the demon spoke voluntarily and said, ‘My name is abuse. I entered into her at eight years old when her mom punched her in the face.’ All of us were shocked. Did the demon just casually say that? After about an hour of prayer, she was fully set free by God’s grace, and we asked her about that. She went on to tell us she vividly remembered the moment her mom physically abused her and all the problems she was going through now, twenty-plus years later. She felt it started when she was eight. This opened my eyes to the fact that demons can enter via trauma and abuse, even at such a young age. It’s hard to believe that a lifetime of persistent issues resulted from a demonic spirit that entered her at eight years old and not even at the fault of herself but because of what her mom did.
Sadly, sexual abuse is a major open door and something that is way too common in the lives of young women and men alike. Some of the stories I’ve heard in deliverances make my stomach turn, and I will not even share them in this section, because they are too dark and graphic. Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) research group revealed these startling statistics: ‘One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault. 82% of all victims under 18 are female. Females ages 16–19 are four times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. The effects of child sexual abuse can be long-lasting and affect the victim’s mental health. Victims are more likely than non-victims to experience the following mental health challenges: about four times more likely to develop symptoms of drug abuse, about four times more likely to experience PTSD, and about three times more likely to experience a major depressive episode as adults.’ These are huge numbers, and demons are using these horrific acts to demonize a large amount of the population.
Rejection from the womb is another often overlooked open door to demons. Luke 1:15 says, ‘He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth.’ This is speaking of John the Baptist. In deliverance ministry, I would often encounter demons that would say, ‘I have been here since they were in their mother’s womb.’ I thought this to be false until I thought, ‘Wait, if John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb, it doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility that a demonic spirit can enter a baby in the mother’s womb.’ Speaking things over your unborn baby, such as ‘I wish I weren’t pregnant,’ ‘I didn’t even want this baby,’ ‘This was a mistake,’ ‘This was an accident,’ ‘I hope this baby dies,’ and so on can cause rejection and open your unborn baby up to demons. Research shows that babies seek love even in the womb, and when a baby is unwanted and doesn’t receive that love, it becomes an open door to the spirit of rejection.
I prayed for a man once who had been fighting same-sex attraction. He had confessed before, ‘I do not want to be attracted to guys, and I do not want to wear women’s clothing, but something in me craves it.’ In his deliverance, the demon said, ‘I’ve been here since he was in the womb. His parents wanted a girl, and I came because his mom constantly said, “I don’t want a boy; I want a girl.”’ Somehow in the process of his mother confessing that, she gave this spirit of perversion legal rights to demonize her child. I wonder how many people walk around with demons not even realizing they have been there since before they were born.”
For more information on Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, How to Cast Out Demons, visit MyCharismaShop.com