Names Are Never Random
To even the casual reader of the Bible, it’s obvious that names matter to God. From the creation of the earth, we recognize that names signify origin. When God named the first man Adam, the word was closely tied to...
To even the casual reader of the Bible, it’s obvious that names matter to God. From the creation of the earth, we recognize that names signify origin. When God named the first man Adam, the word was closely tied to...
Scripturally, the Bible doesn’t seem to provide a definitive answer as to whether time travel is possible, noting every person has an appointed time for their death (Heb. 9:27), our lives were “ordained” and “written in [God’s] book before one...
In the now infamous scene from The Matrix, Morpheus offers Thomas Anderson, alias Neo, a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill would reveal the harsh reality, while the blue pill would allow Neo to remain in the...
Politics divide. The entire process requires that we pick sides. Whether we are choosing between political parties, interest groups, or even ideological movements within the same party, at some point we will have to pick a side. As a candidate...
We have this backward idea that what happens in church is sacred, but what happens in the rest of our lives is secular. This division of our hearts and minds is what hinders us from being free to walk with...
After Jesus’ resurrection and before He left His disciples, He spoke a clear mandate to these future world changers: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). In this mandate no one was exempt from the task...
My journey to getting interested in politics started as a young mom taking my boys back and forth to their Christian school everyday. I had come off the mission field, deciding not to join up with Youth with a Mission...
Washington, D.C. is a dark, consuming place where the gods of this world – gods of power and prestige – take center stage. The founders of our nation were constantly having a debate in those early colonial years around the...
Just before the 2018 Texas primary run-off I told a friend, “I don’t think you have lived until you have had almost a million dollars in negative advertising thrown at you.” I was raw and vulnerable in that moment. Almost...