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Time and Money

Time and Money

People like to say that stewardship is not just about money. They say things like, “Well, I’m tithing my time to the Lord.” That’s all good, and I get their point. But there is not one single verse in the Bible that says you can tithe your time. Tithing is strictly about money. Tithing is about possessions. Tithing is about mammon (money and possessions). Tithing is about first-fruits. With the tithe, God is trying to help us crucify our flesh regarding the love of money, not the love of time.

A dear friend in our ministry has a massive heart for volunteer service, and for more than a decade before coming to Global Vision, he served tirelessly in the ministry every week, for no compensation. It added up to well more than 10 percent of his time. He came out of a ministry that erroneously taught that this time investment constituted his tithe, because—after all—time is money, right? Wrong. Time can never be a first-fruit. It also can’t be tithed. Despite this brother’s very fruitful service to God, he could never really get ahead, as the devourer always seemed to undermine and steal away his best business ideas and investments.

He has told me some of the financial horror stories he endured while under the curse of that bad teaching, and his losses were often staggering. He continued to trust and serve while working to crucify his flesh in all other areas, but no matter how “right” he got with God, the devourer still had an open door through his disobedience with the tithe.

He was cursed with a curse.

When he began serving at our local, he came to me for counseling over this issue. Once I set him straight, he eagerly began tithing and giving more generously—no longer just with his time, but now also with his money. Four years later, he has never been more blessed with his finances, his business efforts have a clear anointing on them, and even his service ministries have become more fruitful, well beyond anything he experienced before the tithe.

I know dozens of stories like this, so please take it to heart. If you’re a faithful servant in the ministry but simply can’t get things to come together for you, get right with God concerning generosity and selflessness with your resources, starting with the tithe.

Your service to God is required, but it will never be counted toward the tithe. It’s no wonder why pastors don’t talk about this subject on Sunday morning with the livestream cameras going. Folks hate to hear the subject raised, and most are simply under the curse of bad teaching, so they’re all cursed with a curse. That’s why I’m compelled to teach about the tithe and biblical generosity. I am not under any such curse, and it’s my responsibility as a shepherd to ensure you aren’t either.

Prepared to put your money where your mouth is? Purchase your copy of Greg Locke’s The Generosity Journey at!

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